I’m going back and post-dating this blog entry because I wanted to write something about Gracie’s first birthday party, but the whole month of June escaped me. So, here we are.
For the most part, Gracie’s birthday party was nice. Our house can only hold so many people, so just the right amount arrived, celebrated, drank merrily (eh… even though it WAS a child’s birthday party, none of my daughter’s cousins or friends with children were able to make it, so there you have it), and ate my husband’s cooking (ALMOST everyone. I will not spend the time on here writing about how angry a certain person made me feel because I am done with this person trying to dictate my life). The gifts for Gracie were absolutely splendid and Michael made cupcakes for everyone to eat, including Gracie.
We did a test run with the cupcakes the weekend before and though she just squished it around in her fingers, she did eat a little bit of it and the test run was deemed successful.
For this night’s festivities, Gracie ate most of her cupcake, even if she was wearing a lot of it, as well. The faces she made through the whole process were pretty funny, too.
Gracie’s birthday cupcake. The expressions on her face speak volumes.
Eh? What *is* this?!
Oohhh, it’s a CAKE!
My brother James and Gracie. This was the first time he had actually seen her since she was in the NICU and the first time he truly got to hold her. I love this picture.
All in all, the day was good. It was nice to see friends shower Gracie with love. Gracie is my little ray of sunshine in a sometimes dreary, gray world. The sunflowers above remind me of both Gracie and Benjamin. <3
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