1. Holiday from work
Today, my school district gave us Friday off for Cesar Chavez Day. I’m not complaining, as it gave me a wonderful day off to spend with my husband and Gracie.
2. Blooming orange trees
Our backyard has two orange trees, both of which are blooming like mad. The evenings smell strongly of orange blossoms and it reminds me of spring.
3. Swimming
I can only swim on Tuesdays, and as much as I don’t want to go to practice because I’d rather be home doing other things, I enjoy it. The feeling of pulling myself through the water and swimming other strokes besides freestyle makes me happy. I haven’t competed in over a year, though. I miss it. Once Gracie gets a little older, I might be able to go to early morning practices and practice more than once a week. Then, it’s on to competing again. Boy, I miss it!
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